PhD Program in
Civil and Environmental Engineering,
International cooperation and Mathematics

University of Brescia
Department of Civil, Environmental, Architectural Engineering and Mathematics

The Research Doctorate (PhD) course in Civil and Environmental Engineering, international cooperation and Mathematics is intended to provide a qualified and up-to-date 3rd-level education and training program in the areas of strongest interest and scientific impact in all backbone sectors of civil and environmental engineering, international cooperation and mathematics. PhD students are offered the opportunity to engage in highly competitive research activities, with a marked national and international valence, aiming at excellence levels in the respective disciplines.

The Board of Professors (Collegio dei Docenti), by including a variety of specific competences and expertise, fully reflects the interdisciplinary nature of civil and environmental engineering, international cooperation and mathematics, and adequately covers the scope and complementariness of the sectors that form the area in its more modern and updated acceptation. 

Six Curricula

For administrative information and regulations on PhD programs: